
My Tweets on Fri, Mar 11

  • 12:14  Here is a pollen distribution map of Tokyo metropolitan area. Very depressing to people who have allergy to pollen. http://bit.ly/fqJ8LY
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My tweets on 2011-03-11

  1. Here is a pollen distribution map of Tokyo metropolitan area. Very depressing to people who have allergy to pollen. http://bit.ly/fqJ8LY

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My Tweets on Wed, Mar 09

  • 22:06  My eyes are sore and itchy caused by heavy pollen allergy. Eyedrops have no effect.
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My tweets on 2011-03-09

  1. My eyes are sore and itchy caused by heavy pollen allergy. Eyedrops have no effect.

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My Tweets on Mon, Mar 07

  • 23:45  I lost 2kilo last month. The main reason why I lost my weight is that I didn't go drink. Eating out causes gaining my weight.
  • 00:28  I sold UT4 golf club and bought FW9, instead. I just paid 5000 yen, the difference of those club prices. I hope I hit a ball well with FW9.
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My tweets on 2011-03-07

  1. I sold UT4 golf club and bought FW9, instead. I just paid 5000 yen, the difference of those club prices. I hope I hit a ball well with FW9.
  2. I lost 2kilo last month. The main reason why I lost my weight is that I didn't go drink. Eating out causes gaining my weight.

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