
My Tweets on Fri, Dec 24

  • 11:10  Unfortunately,AirPlay not work well. Cannot play contents in iPhone/iPad on TV large screen, because iPhone/iPad not recognize AppleTV. Why?
  • 11:08  Apple TV makes my TV life different & exciting. Sharing funny videos on YouTube with large TV screen. Playing iTunes library with AV amp...
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My tweets on 2010-12-24

  1. Apple TV makes my TV life different & exciting. Sharing funny videos on YouTube with large TV screen. Playing iTunes library with AV amp...
  2. Unfortunately,AirPlay not work well. Cannot play contents in iPhone/iPad on TV large screen, because iPhone/iPad not recognize AppleTV. Why?

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My Tweets on Wed, Dec 22

  • 13:52  #HootSuite is coming to Japan market collaborating with DigitalGarage. As 1st step, they released Keitai client & management of mixi account
  • 08:20  My earphone's Bluetooth connection suddenly lost. I got in a flap because sound came out from iPhone speaker in the crowded train.
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My tweets on 2010-12-22

  1. My earphone's Bluetooth connection suddenly lost. I got in a flap because sound came out from iPhone speaker in the crowded train.
  2. #HootSuite is coming to Japan market collaborating with DigitalGarage. As 1st step, they released Keitai client & management of mixi account

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My Tweets on Sat, Dec 18

  • 08:49  #HootSuite for iPad came into running again, which I think is one of the best Twitter client for iPad.
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My tweets on 2010-12-18

  1. #HootSuite for iPad came into running again, which I think is one of the best Twitter client for iPad.

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