
My Tweets on Sun, Dec 26

  • 19:37  Finished writing new year's cards. Even if SNS like twitter or Facebook get popular, some people do not use them. Postal card preferred.
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My tweets on 2010-12-26

  1. Finished writing new year's cards. Even if SNS like twitter or Facebook get popular, some people do not use them. Postal card preferred.

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My Tweets on Fri, Dec 24

  • 11:10  Unfortunately,AirPlay not work well. Cannot play contents in iPhone/iPad on TV large screen, because iPhone/iPad not recognize AppleTV. Why?
  • 11:08  Apple TV makes my TV life different & exciting. Sharing funny videos on YouTube with large TV screen. Playing iTunes library with AV amp...
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My tweets on 2010-12-24

  1. Apple TV makes my TV life different & exciting. Sharing funny videos on YouTube with large TV screen. Playing iTunes library with AV amp...
  2. Unfortunately,AirPlay not work well. Cannot play contents in iPhone/iPad on TV large screen, because iPhone/iPad not recognize AppleTV. Why?

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My Tweets on Wed, Dec 22

  • 13:52  #HootSuite is coming to Japan market collaborating with DigitalGarage. As 1st step, they released Keitai client & management of mixi account
  • 08:20  My earphone's Bluetooth connection suddenly lost. I got in a flap because sound came out from iPhone speaker in the crowded train.
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My tweets on 2010-12-22

  1. My earphone's Bluetooth connection suddenly lost. I got in a flap because sound came out from iPhone speaker in the crowded train.
  2. #HootSuite is coming to Japan market collaborating with DigitalGarage. As 1st step, they released Keitai client & management of mixi account

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My Tweets on Sat, Dec 18

  • 08:49  #HootSuite for iPad came into running again, which I think is one of the best Twitter client for iPad.
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My tweets on 2010-12-18

  1. #HootSuite for iPad came into running again, which I think is one of the best Twitter client for iPad.

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My Tweets on Mon, Dec 13

  • 19:49  EyeSight, automatic braking system with stereo cameras, boost Legacy sales up, because it wins women's approval to buy Legacy.
  • 19:42  New Legacy has not sold well in Japan, because it is bigger than old model. However, EyeSight safety system boost up the sales this year.
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My tweets on 2010-12-13

  1. New Legacy has not sold well in Japan, because it is bigger than old model. However, EyeSight safety system boost up the sales this year.
  2. EyeSight, automatic braking system with stereo cameras, boost Legacy sales up, because it wins women's approval to buy Legacy.

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My Tweets on Sun, Dec 12

  • 20:11  I saw the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1" with my son. The scenario is faithful to the original book.
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My tweets on 2010-12-12

  1. I saw the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1" with my son. The scenario is faithful to the original book.

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My Tweets on Sat, Dec 11

  • 20:47  Excited about joining a new organization to support start-ups in Japan, collaborative project with academia and business.
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My tweets on 2010-12-11

  1. Excited about joining a new organization to support start-ups in Japan, collaborative project with academia and business.

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My Tweets on Wed, Dec 08

  • 17:44  The Venus Climate Orbiter "Akatsuki" failed to be injected to its Venus orbit. How sorry! They'll try after 6 years when it approachs again.
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My tweets on 2010-12-08

  1. The Venus Climate Orbiter "Akatsuki" failed to be injected to its Venus orbit. How sorry! They'll try after 6 years when it approachs again.

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My Tweets on Tue, Dec 07

  • 09:36  The Economist article Is a good digest of current status of Google. http://ow.ly/3kWt2 "How long will Google's magic last?"
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My tweets on 2010-12-07

  1. The Economist article Is a good digest of current status of Google. http://ow.ly/3kWt2 "How long will Google's magic last?"

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My Tweets on Sun, Dec 05

  • 20:56  Just realized the number of connections in Facebook or LinkedIn is more than in mixi. I feel FB is taking off in Japan, also.
  • 20:47  Stopped the feeds of my tweets to Facebook wall. Because too many tweets hides FB original activities. Wondering how to use FB. Share photo?
  • 20:45  Wondering how to use Facebook & twitter respectively. Twitter is a media for useful info. Facebook is a communication tool with friends.
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My tweets on 2010-12-05

  1. Wondering how to use Facebook & twitter respectively. Twitter is a media for useful info. Facebook is a communication tool with friends.
  2. Stopped the feeds of my tweets to Facebook wall. Because too many tweets hides FB original activities. Wondering how to use FB. Share photo?
  3. Just realized the number of connections in Facebook or LinkedIn is more than in mixi. I feel FB is taking off in Japan, also.

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My Tweets on Thu, Dec 02

  • 17:15  Got a bit nervous to have a hearing by auditors. Prepared the documents, oral presentation beforehand. I got relieved when it finished.
  • 13:47  Found why iPhone's battery became short. WiFi at office is out of order, and iPhone has been polling continuously. CPU is required&consumed
  • 07:22  Orderd a TV set: REGZA Z1. In Japan, there is a program called eco-point, which boost TV sales last month. So, not know when it will come.
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My tweets on 2010-12-02

  1. Orderd a TV set: REGZA Z1. In Japan, there is a program called eco-point, which boost TV sales last month. So, not know when it will come.
  2. Found why iPhone's battery became short. WiFi at office is out of order, and iPhone has been polling continuously. CPU is required&consumed
  3. Got a bit nervous to have a hearing by auditors. Prepared the documents, oral presentation beforehand. I got relieved when it finished.

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My Tweets on Wed, Dec 01

  • 22:42  Reset iPhone whose battery life became short. Took 1.5 hours to backup and reset it. Seeing whether it works well for a while.
  • 09:22  The battery life became too short for my iPhone 3GS. Should I reset it? "Reset" take time and give mental pressure, fearing of losing data.
  • 01:38  What happend to my iPhone 3GS? It is somewhat hot and the battery life became too short ! I turn it off, killed all Apps. But...
  • 01:36  I almost fall asleep in the bathtub.
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My tweets on 2010-12-01

  1. I almost fall asleep in the bathtub.
  2. What happend to my iPhone 3GS? It is somewhat hot and the battery life became too short ! I turn it off, killed all Apps. But...
  3. The battery life became too short for my iPhone 3GS. Should I reset it? "Reset" take time and give mental pressure, fearing of losing data.
  4. Reset iPhone whose battery life became short. Took 1.5 hours to backup and reset it. Seeing whether it works well for a while.

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My Tweets on Mon, Nov 29

  • 22:54  My son got "sho-dan" (1st grade) of Shogi, which means he is much stronger than I. I do not think I can defeat him in Shogi.
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My tweets on 2010-11-29

  1. My son got "sho-dan" (1st grade) of Shogi, which means he is much stronger than I. I do not think I can defeat him in Shogi.

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My Tweets on Sun, Nov 28

  • 23:54  Book on Hayabusa, the asteroid explorer, is published, which is written by PjL Prof. Kawaguchi. Two DVDs on Hayabusa's return will come out.
  • 23:49  Many books are published on Yoshiharu Habu, the greatest Shogi player in Japan. Umeda hints some clues Habu's strength. Habu writes 2 books.
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My tweets on 2010-11-28

  1. Many books are published on Yoshiharu Habu, the greatest Shogi player in Japan. Umeda hints some clues Habu's strength. Habu writes 2 books.
  2. Book on Hayabusa, the asteroid explorer, is published, which is written by PjL Prof. Kawaguchi. Two DVDs on Hayabusa's return will come out.

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My Tweets on Sat, Nov 27

  • 16:47  I practiced golf after a few weeks absence. The driving range is not crowded even on Saturday. I think many people play golf on courses.
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My tweets on 2010-11-27

  1. I practiced golf after a few weeks absence. The driving range is not crowded even on Saturday. I think many people play golf on courses.

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My Tweets on Thu, Nov 25

  • 17:39  I had meetings of 2 companies at Tennouzu & Ebisu respectively. Had a late lunch between them.
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My tweets on 2010-11-25

  1. I had meetings of 2 companies at Tennouzu & Ebisu respectively. Had a late lunch between them.

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My Tweets on Wed, Nov 24

  • 13:20  In Japan, many TVs are sold, cause Nov is the last month for full benefit program called eco-point".I have to wait until Dec to buy one.
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My tweets on 2010-11-24

  1. In Japan, many TVs are sold, cause Nov is the last month for full benefit program called eco-point".I have to wait until Dec to buy one.

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My Tweets on Tue, Nov 23

  • 14:09  I set up my tweets of a day to be aggregated and be an article of Blogger, using twtr2src service. Manual is: http://ow.ly/3e3tI
  • 09:55  It took 2 hours and 10min to update iPad to iOS4.2, because it took 1 hour and 40min to make a backup. Hope this update serve much.
  • 08:46  While waiting for iOS4.2 update for iPad, I am reading a book of English vocabulary building.
  • 08:41  It took about 30min to update iPhone3GS to iOS4.2. For iPad, it takes VERY VERY long time! iPad spends much time to make a backup. Why?
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My tweets on 2010-11-23

  1. It took about 30min to update iPhone3GS to iOS4.2. For iPad, it takes VERY VERY long time! iPad spends much time to make a backup. Why?
  2. While waiting for iOS4.2 update for iPad, I am reading a book of English vocabulary building.
  3. It took 2 hours and 10min to update iPad to iOS4.2, because it took 1 hour and 40min to make a backup. Hope this update serve much.
  4. I set up my tweets of a day to be aggregated and be an article of Blogger, using twtr2src service. Manual is: http://ow.ly/3e3tI

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The Economist: "Clouds under the hammer" (March 13th, 2010)

In March, The Economist ran an interesting article on cloud computing and virtualization titled with "Clouds under the hammer": cloud computing is now offered for sale at an auction.

Here is a summary or a paraphrased excerpt from the article:

"Clouds under the hammer"

You might be tired of the word "cloud"("cloud fatigue"). However, the concept of computing as a basic utility delivered over the internet is taking the first steps a tradable commodity like electricity.

A key technology for cloud computing is virtualization, which separates software from hardware, allowing many "virtual machines" to run on any machine. Computing power can move around, even between remote (= far-flung) data centers. Virtualization enables "cloud providers", which offer computing power on demand, such as Amazon Web Services.

Standards bodies are working on rules that would make it easier to move virtual machines around, and a lot of start-ups are making this their business.
  • Zimory: ties together corporate data centres to work as one.
  • CloudKick: offers tools to manage virtual machines.
  • libcloud: an open-source project uses CloudKick tools that facilitates the development of services spanning difference clouds.
  • RightScale: is a pioneer of "cloud broking", which helps customers switch between clouds or use several different ones.
The industry's big companies are also working to make computing more replacable.
  • VMware: a leader of virtualisation software for corporate data centers has also begun selling its products to cloud providers. If "private clouds" (corporate data centers) and "public clouds" (cloud providers) use the same software, virtual machines can more easily move between them and firms can quickly add
    capacity ("cloud bursting").
  • Cisco: has announced new technology to link up separate data centers towards its vision of "inter-cloud", a cloud of clouds.
Yet it is probably Amazon that will be seen as the firm that really launched computing markets. In December of 2009, it introduced a new pricing option: customers bid for the Amazon's unused computing capacity and get to run their virtual machines as long as their bid exceeds the minimum price needed to balance supply and demand.

As a result the price moves up and down jerkily (see chart) The virtual machines may be shut down at any time, when the spot price rises above the user's bid. But it already made customers think about computing in more economic terms, by asking what a given job is worth to them.

Amazon's "Spot Instance" has led to an excited debate among the cloud professionals. Some argues that it will go the way of power and even financial markets, complete with arbitrage, derivatives and hedging.  Others argue that there are barriers that could prevent computing from becoming freely tradable. The reason is legal: some European countries do not allow certain types of data to be exported. Moreover, cloud providers have no interest in turning computing into a true commodity.

Both visions of the future may turn out to be right. Virtual machines will indeed increasingly move around, but mostly within private and public clouds or trusted federations of them. Some providers are already experimenting an approach as follows: virtual machines that migrate wherever demand and temperature is lowest --- most often to time zones where night has fallen, when computers tend to sit idle and cooling them is cheaper.