
My Tweets on Fri, Feb 04

  • 17:50  I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow morning. So, I should not drink too much tonight. Would it be possible even at @bar_socie?
  • 12:11  One of the reasons for Facebook to get more popular in Japan might be the movie "Social Networking", which makes people recognize FB widely.
  • 11:07  According to tweets around me, influenza is spreading & Facebook is becoming more popular. Without twitter, I don't know these matters.
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My tweets on 2011-02-04

  1. According to tweets around me, influenza is spreading & Facebook is becoming more popular. Without twitter, I don't know these matters.
  2. One of the reasons for Facebook to get more popular in Japan might be the movie "Social Networking", which makes people recognize FB widely.
  3. I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow morning. So, I should not drink too much tonight. Would it be possible even at@bar_socie?

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My Tweets on Thu, Feb 03

  • 16:53  Have had a sore throat and sometimes coughed since Tuesday night. Checked if flu or not, and found that I had just a cold.
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My tweets on 2011-02-03

  1. Have had a sore throat and sometimes coughed since Tuesday night. Checked if flu or not, and found that I had just a cold.

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My Tweets on Tue, Feb 01

  • 19:41  I might catch a cold. I have a sore throat this evening and want to cough sometimes. When I get home, I will gargle with iodine water.
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My tweets on 2011-02-01

  1. I might catch a cold. I have a sore throat this evening and want to cough sometimes. When I get home, I will gargle with iodine water.

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